Product ReviewsUSB 3.0

USB 3.0 Switcher Improved my Life

How often does technology really make your life better? I mean does being able to ask your echo the weather every day really improve your life?

But this little gem, really did make my life better. I switch back and forth frequently between my Windows laptop and my Ubuntu Linux workstation throughout the day as a blast away on my projects. When I priced KVMs (old school acronym for a Keyboard-Video-Mouse switcher) a couple of years ago, I couldn’t believe the price and I simply refused to pay it.

I use televisions for my monitors with HDMI cables, so, when I switch computers, I just pick up the remote and switch to the next HDMI channel. That part’s easy. The hard part has been switching my keyboard and mouse. I plugged them into a mini-usb hub and simply moved the hub back and forth from one computer to the other. It was kind of a drag, but not too bad of one. Been doing this for years.

Then I ran across this little gem on Amazon the other day. I’ve been on it only a day now and, man, has it made a difference. Just press the button and bloop, switched. And for $29, that was a real bargain. Now there’s no resistance at all when switching between computers, especially when I have multiple screens and have one screen on one computer and one screen on another.

So, if what you really want is just to switch your keyboard and mouse and maybe a printer, have a look at this. Made my life better and it can for you. (

I can’t believe Microcenter doesn’t even carry these. I thought they carried all tech items?)

USB 3.0 Switcher Improved my Life